Encabezado de la sección

Campo obligatorio Elija el monto del obsequio:
$500 could purchase materials used by Pastoral Care to minister to a family during their hospital stay or healthy and nutritional snacks for a month for our dialysis patients who spend 3 days a week at the hospital receiving life-saving dialysis treatment.
$1,000 could provide devices that help to diagnose asthma or could purchase the titanium steel roads which are installed by our orthopedic surgeons to straighten patients who need spinal fusion.
$5,000 could purchase two complete shunt systems that our neurosurgeons can implant to drain fluid from the brain of a hydrocephalus patient or purchase an emergency department stretcher.

Encabezado de la sección

Encabezado de la sección

Encabezado de la sección

Método de pago:

Información de la tarjeta de crédito:

Tipo de tarjeta de crédito:
  • Visa
  • Discover
  • American Express
  • MasterCard
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